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💎 3 Surprising Glam Tips 💎

Thousands of you, from all over the world respond to our emails with a resounding "More life tips please!"

We aim to delight.

Drum roll please 🥁 ....

Here are 💎 3 Surprising Glam Tips 💎 to make you feel BEAUTIFUL from the inside, that MAGICALLY Improve Your Life!


 1.  Live in a light hearted way. 💫


Think Cinderella. Those step sisters were AWFUL. That step mom, OMG! 🥺 We admire Cinderella for her charm in spite of her circumstances. Yes yes we know it's just a 'story', but this is how we learn! How does she stay so positive?! So good?!  How does a girl who had everything stolen, wake up every day singing with birds?! She even loved the mice who infested her room!!! Our life is a Fairytale. Not every moment is grand. But when we embrace a light hearted attitude we might just manifest our very own miracle.


2. Speak funny things to yourself... 🤣


Think of the comedian... He/She blurts whatever the heck comes into their mind. That blurting is often so hilarious it makes us laugh until we cry! 😂 Nobody feels bad after exposure to this kind of delight. It's a highly pleasurable state. Our experts recommend, be funny to yourself. Here's an example of something you might say: "I'm a gosh darn genius. I can do freakin' anything! There is no one on earth as cool and dynamic as me!" You might feel ridiculous. But when you start seeing amazing results you'll be talking to yourself all day! 🌸 Laughter is 100% the best medicine for everything.


3. Embody Playfulness... 🐶


Instead of looking normal and boring, go out in your crown, put on a wig or tights and tutu! People will notice and smile. You'll love the way you'll feel. Hand out flowers to whomever you see. Make new friends. Children will admire. The elderly will be thrilled! Skip instead of walking... Maybe you need a partner for the skipping bit. You don't want anyone to call the police. 🤣


Have an absolutely smashing day. 

Be Magical,



Fairytale Creators Team ❤️


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